climate change

Students Behind Picket Lines: Fighting for Climate Justice

Artwork by Ryan Ward.Published: Cambridge University International Development. The street is filled, from six year olds with their parents to seventeen year old sixth...

The Wood for the Trees: Seeing the Value in Vulnerable Indigenous Knowledge

By Sam Brown, and artwork by Ryan Ward The Shipibo-Conibo are an indigenous people situated along the Ucayali River in the Amazon rainforest. Coupling a...

Climate Change and Individual Responsibility: A Dangerous Narrative

Published: Lottie Elton and artwork by Ryan Ward. The demand that individuals everywhere ‘do their bit’ to help mitigate the climate crisis is, in many...

Wales and Climate Change: How Fossil Fuels and Renewables Have Governed Economic Development

Published: Luke Thomas and artwork by Ryan Ward In the 1960s, as theories surrounding climate change began to emerge, its consequences were already evident across...

Pursuing Both Climate Mitigation And Energy Access

Published: Olivia Chen and artwork by Ryan Ward. This year, there remain in the world, by the World Bank’s most recent estimate, 840 million people...

Renewable Energy: Who Benefits and Who Decides? Wind Power in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

Published: Paola Velasco and artwork by Ryan Ward. Promoting common interest in sustainable development and environmental problems would be more effective if solutions resulted in...

Ecotourism: Reframing Conservation or Creating Dangerous Markets?

Published by: Rosie Wright, and artwork by Ryan Ward. It's the first night of my honeymoon and I'm showering from a bucket of rainwater under...

Trump’s Wildfire Policy Overlooks Climate, Fans Political Flames, Lets Economy Burn

Published: Timothy Arvan, and artwork by Ryan Ward. President Donald Trump has been known to fight fire with fire, aggressively countering his detractors on issues...

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